Hello from efelle’s Support Team!

This article covers how to update your mastheads in the Fusion v4 application. If this process does not work for you, or if you run into any problems updating your mastheads, please let us know by submitting a support ticket and we would be happy to help! 

To update a masthead in the Fusion v4, you will first need to upload your new image to Mastheads folder in the File Manager module. This can be done by selecting the "File Manager" or "File Manager v2" from the left sidebar in Fusion. From here, select the "Mastheads" folder in the folder structure preview on the left, and then upload your new image. Once your image is uploaded to the server, there are two options to update the masthead: 

In Page Admin

For pages in the Page Admin module, first click the Edit button on the page you would like to change, and then select a new image file in the "Masthead" drop-down field. It is important to note that if you have uploaded a new image to the mastheads folder, it may not populate in this drop-down list until you have logged out of and back into Fusion. 

Other Pages and Modules

For pages not controlled by the Page Admin module, you can use the Maintain Mastheads section in the Settings module. First, open the System Settings module and choose the Maintain Mastheads button at the top left of the page. From here, you should see a list of the available Fusion modules on your site, as well as the pages currently available inside of them. You can set the masthead for any page using the drop-down menu in the masthead column. It is important to note that if you have just uploaded a new image to the mastheads folder, it may not populate in this drop-down list until you have logged out of and back into Fusion.