Hello from efelle's Support Team!

This article covers how to update your social media icons in the Fusion v4 application. If this process does not work for you, or if you run into any problems updating your social media icons, please let us know by submitting a support ticket and we would be happy to help! 

The Social Media Links on your website can be edited in the Spotlights module in Fusion, in the spotlight with 'Social Media' in the title:

  1. Get your icon: if you are adding a new social media link, you will need the icon you would like to use before proceeding to the next steps. If our team created your icons, please submit a support ticket and we would be happy to advise on what would be required to create a new icon.
  2. Add new icon: Select the 'Add new item' button on the Edit Spotlight Area page.
    1. Enter a Title: This can be anything you want, however, we do recommend using the name of the company you will be linking to.
    2. Enter a Link:
      1. Set the 'Link To' field to 'Manual Link' at the very bottom of the drop-down menu.
      2. Enter the URL for your social media account in the 'Manual Link' field.
    3. Upload an Image: Select 'Choose file' in the 'Base Image' field
  3. Edit existing icon: Select the spotlight item you wish to edit from the list of social media icons by selecting its name or the 'View/edit' button.
  4. Delete existing icon: Rather than deleting icons on the 'Edit Spotlight Area' page, we recommend selecting the icon you wish to remove and updating its 'Spotlight Active' field to no.